Evolution of a dream

What makes a dream a reality? How does a dream either evolve into a reality or vaporizes into a puff of smoke? Every dream, not the kind we have during our sleep, but the kind of dreams that we want to be a reality, I believe go through these natural progressions. First,  there is the what if stage. This requires quiet contemplation time for the dream to form and take shape. Dreaming is a learned art, it’s not something that comes naturally. It takes time, just like anything else. A dream can be compared to the creation of a child in a mother’s womb. It is born out of passion, but after this, it takes nurturing and a close attention to what the mother eats and how she keeps care of herself while this new person is developing. Your dream has to be carefully cared for. At this stage, it is very fragile. You may not want to share your dream with those that are not apt to agree with your dream.Dreams_walt Slowly, your dream then turns into an idea. How do you take your dream, turned idea, into a reality? This is the thing about dreams, there is no one way to make them a reality, but there are helpful things that you can do to help them marinade. This idea is something that you can start to write down. I encourage you to also draw pictures and color them to make your idea more vivid. it’s been shown that colorful pictures make more of an impression on us than plain text. To make your dream a reality, you need to nurture it, like a seedling, fertilizing it with research and steps that each day, give you more information than you had the day before. There will be road blocks, but don’t give up, these road blocks are only routes that will not lead you to your dream. It took Rocket Chemical Company 40 attempts to get the Water Dispersing formula worked out, 40 dead ends, but they eventually found the right route to success, hence WD-40. The great thing about dreams is that it gives us something to strive for. If you make some progress on your dream everyday, you will be one step closer to realizing it. By continuing to work on your dream, you will gain momentum and no matter what anyone says, what may have originally, while your dream was in it’s infancy, squashed it, now nothing can keep you from reaching it. Your dream may take on a new shape as you research it and devote time to it, but one thing is sure, your dream will eventually lead you to great things, all the result of taking the time to say to yourself, “what if”.  

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